Eve Online MacMini No Valid Display Mode FullScreen Mode - working!
The solution to getting Eve Online to run on MacMini that does not detect the valid fullscreen modes is at the bottom of the page.
I have spent three very long evenings trying to get this to work. I really would like to go around the Internet posting on every forum where I found partial answers to thank those who helped me get a bit closer to the answer, and also to leave my answer for others to follow... but that would mean remembering them all, then signing up or registering in some way and then posting umpteen only partially related solutions on only half of the forums since the other half have their threads closed etc etc.
Instead, i am posting this message on my own website in the hope that anybody looking for it might find it here and it show up in Google...
The Problem
I downloaded Eve Online through Steam, with the intention to run it on a 2012 or 2014 Mac Mini. I had no idea that the Steam download is absolutely unnecessary as it anyway installs the Eve Online launcher from the Eve Online website and then simply calls it from the Steam interface.
The Eve Online launcher actually installs its own wrapper for Wine (a program designed to emulate Windows so that Windows-only programs can run on Mac), especially configured for this game. It wouldn't work.
Possible solutions
Following advice, I tried the CrossOver version, I tried creating my own wine wrappers with various settings and I tried using the Eve Online launcher with various older verions of Wine - you can do this in the settings menu, with or without dx9 and playing around with other settings.
Some of the error messages I received:
- deviceClassification NOT found, using DEVICE_HIGH_END
- No valid display modes found. All display modes are: [%s] 640 x 480 (88), 800 x 600 (88), 640 x 480 (85), 800 x 600 (85)
- Formatted exception info: RuntimeError: No valid fullscreen modes found
- Invalid Trinity platform dx11
Mac not finding my correct resolution
Mac was not correctly reporting my available resolutions to the game. For whatever reason I needed to find a way to either spoof a fake monitor resolution or find some way of adding a monitor resolution to OSX.
I tried SwitchResX and AirplayDisplay and some other options. I had to use csrutil disable to be able to do that. I eventually found the answer though. There is a thing called HiDPI which purposefully appears to prevent Mac from detecting the correct resolution, so I disabled this, by running this command through Terminal:
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.windowserver DisplayResolutionEnabled -bool NO
I found this command at stackoverflow, posted to solve some other similar issue. The original poster also gives instructions on how to reverse this. My thanks to the dude who found that, my cousin who tried to help me and one tech guy at Eve Online who replied to me once in 3 days with a generic solution.
I can now finally play.